What if the key to improving your newsletter was just a click away? Most of the time, the problem with your newsletter isn’t the written content. Instead, design problems can hold an otherwise effective newsletter back in some major ways. Fortunately, you can fix that problem with the right templates. Keep reading to discover our favorite newsletter design templates!

1. The Important Update

Sometimes, you need to put the “news” back in “newsletter.” That’s why we like this template that focuses on providing important updates about your company or about your products and services.

This template organizes everything in a visually pleasing manner. There is no clutter and no filler as you tell your audience exactly what they need to know!

2. Classic Marketing Template

You may be scoping out newsletter design templates, but that doesn’t mean you need to reinvent the wheel. That’s one of the reasons we love this classic marketing template.

This template is very “down to business,” offering little in the way of imagery to disrupt the importance of what you have to say. And you can easily add a call to action, which is perfect for everything from boosting web traffic to launching an exciting new line of products.

3. The Monthly News

When it comes to your company newsletter, how often do you send it out? If the answer is “about once a month,” then you should check into this convenient monthly newsletter template.

Analytics and other visual data go hand-in-hand with important announcements from the CEO, Human Resources, and everyone in between. While this format is great for everyone, we particularly love it for in-house emails because it provides all the monthly updates and information that employees need in an intuitive and easy-to-read format!

4. Keeping Things Light

Sometimes, using newsletters can be something of a paradox. On one hand, this is one of the absolute best ways to engage with your audience, increase conversions, and boost revenue. On the other hand, some customers may be wary if the newsletter has too much info or if your company is taking an overly heavy-handed approach to marketing.

If you want to change things up, consider using this light and playful template. It puts the emphasis on big, bold text paired with colorful and eye-catching imagery. If you’d like to announce a sale or some other special kind of offer, this template is absolutely perfect.

5. Getting Customer Feedback

Companies spend countless hours and dollars trying to collect analytics about what customers really want. Of course, you could always do it the old-fashioned way and just ask them!

This promo email template is perfect for asking your asking customers for honest feedback. To get a high number of results, pair a survey with a coupon or other special offer to reward the customer for their time. Trust us: the value of their feedback will far outweigh the value of any discounts you offer.

6. The Follow-Up Email

An email list is one of the most powerful marketing tools in your arsenal. It’s important, then, to make customers feel welcome after they sign up for the newsletter.

That’s why this follow-up template is a perfect way to thank customers for signing up. Simply receiving such an email will make them feel valued and like they are not just a random customer to you. And you can further that goodwill by using the email to direct the customer towards products they may like and special deals they can take advantage of.

7. Make It Colorful

Nothing engages your community quite as much as colorful email newsletters. And if you want to take your colorful message game to the next level, all you have to do is use this perfect template.

The colors are enough to catch just about anyone’s eye. And you can run with the building theme as a metaphor for everything from building a stronger employee team to helping your customers build the best possible version of themselves!

8. One and Done

A common question we get is “how long should my newsletter be?” But the only honest answer to that comes in the form of another question: “how much information do you have to share?”

If you want to keep things short and to the point, we highly recommend this compressed newsletter template. It provides a colorful way to organize information into different sections while still letting your audience take in all of the important information in a single glance.

9.  Take Them Back To School

Newsletters have become an increasingly popular way for teachers to keep students and adults up to date on important news. Along the way, they perfected some great templates that you can use to communicate to your customers.

The use of bright colors and familiar school imagery may be a powerful nostalgia trigger for your customers. And in terms of design, the ability to organize everything into a handful of sections is a great way to update busy customers who don’t have a lot of time to read a lengthy email.

10. The Capsule Design

Many of the templates we have featured are unconventional and limited to a page or two. But what if you have a lot to say and you need a clean, organized way to get that information out there?

In those instances, we prefer this classic capsule design template. The clean design makes it easy to read this newsletter on a monitor or a smartphone. But you can also print this newsletter out and easily fold it if you ever want to make an impression with a physical copy for customers.

Newsletter Design Templates: What’s Next?

Now you know our favorite newsletter design templates. But do you know who can transform your email marketing?

Here at Vertical Response, we offer a platform to make email marketing more effective than ever before. With templates, analytics, and automation features, we put the power of email back at your fingertips. And to see what we can do for you, just sign up for a free trial today!!

© 2021, Chris Duncan. All rights reserved.

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