What if your marketing emails contained the secret to growing your business? With the right email metrics, you can take your lead scoring to the next level. Such scoring will lead to more customer conversions and better opportunities to expand your business.

Want to unlock the secrets of email metrics and lead scoring? Keep reading to uncover the business secret you’ve been waiting for!

What Is Lead Scoring?

Our guide will help you improve your lead scoring with email metrics. But first, we need to address the fundamental question: what is lead scoring?

Lead scoring is actually pretty self-explanatory. This is a process where you go through your lead contacts and try to assign each one a score. The score represents where customers are on the sales funnel.

By understanding where each lead is located on the sales funnel, you can better qualify your leads. And while there are multiple ways to approach lead scoring, email offers one of the easiest and most intuitive ways.

This is because you can use email platforms such as Vertical Response to help you collect and analyze important analytics about your customers. And as you tweak your marketing approach, Vertical Response helps you change your email campaigns on the fly.

And Vertical Response offers automation features that make it easier to target different leads with different approaches based on their score. And if you’re still on the fence regarding lead scoring, let’s take a closer look at the different benefits that it may offer to your business.

Save Money With Better Scoring

Some owners and managers are hesitant to embrace lead scoring for a simple reason: they worry about the cost. This is largely because you can’t get the most out of lead scoring based on email metrics without embracing different automation platforms and tools.

However, that brings us to the best part of lead scoring. When done right, it can save you quite a bit of money!

This is due to your marketing and acquisition costs. When you don’t know enough about your leads, your marketing approach is a lot like throwing everything against the wall and seeing what sticks. While this will eventually get results, it becomes very expensive in no time at all!

But with lead scoring, the entire point is to improve how you qualify leads and streamline your marketing efforts. This provides two of the biggest benefits you can ask for: it saves you time and money at the same time!

Boost Conversions

Another way that lead scoring can improve your revenue is fairly simple. By improving the ways that you qualify leads, then you can easily improve your conversion rate.

How much will it be improved? Honestly, this varies from business to business based on everything from their customer base to their digital marketing approach. But it’s not uncommon for businesses to see a 25% conversion boost once they fine-tune their lead scoring methods.

That’s because once everyone is scored, you can establish a blanket rule, such as only reaching out to leads with a minimum score. When you do this, your best professionals can focus on the likeliest avenue for a possible sale!

Increase Revenue

We keep talking about improving conversions and boosting your revenue. But what kind of revenue increase can you reasonably expect?

According to research compiled by Eloqua, companies can expect to increase revenue by an average of 18% just by implementing lead scoring system. Honestly, this is the dream most business owners and managers have been waiting for. With one simple marketing adjustment, you can increase your venue in a very significant way!

Are you on the fence about lead scoring because you think it will be difficult to set up? Rest assured that the process is a breeze once you implement the right automation services.

Automation: The Key to Better Lead Scoring

It’s true that if you were going to create a lead scoring methodology from scratch, it might take a long time to both develop and implement that methodology. But you can accomplish everything in a fraction of the time when you have the benefit of email automation services.

As we mentioned earlier, Vertical Response is a great way to get started. There are a variety of automation features right out of the box, including the ability to send messages to certain customers based on specific customer behavior. Combined with the rich analytics features of Vertical Response, this platform can seriously move the needle on your lead scoring plans.

As an added bonus, though, it’s very easy to integrate vertical response with other platforms such as SalesForce. Not only will this help you perfect your lead scoring based on email metrics, but the additional automation features can save you even more time and money.

Scoring Leads After COVID-19

If you are reading this, chances are high that you are exploring using lead scoring based on email metrics for the first time. And you may have a final question we need to answer: why is lead scoring more important now than it was before?

The short answer is COVID-19. The global pandemic related to this virus has disrupted businesses in profound ways. For example, the financial situation of some of your leads may have changed as they lost jobs or otherwise made major life adjustments.

And many businesses have been working with smaller teams as their finances were affected by COVID-19. For many companies, this has resulted in more leads than their sales reps can reasonably follow up on.

By using lead scoring based on automation and email metrics, you can have your cake and eat it, too. You’ll know exactly where each customer stands and be able to prioritize your sales team. No matter their size, they will now bring in more sales than ever before!

Your Next Move

Now you know the power of lead scoring based on email metrics and the role Vertical Response can play. But did you know you can experience Vertical Response for free?

By signing up for a free trial today, you can begin the process of scoring your leads and boosting your conversions. Remember: tomorrow’s opportunities begin today!

© 2021, Chris Duncan. All rights reserved.

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